Monday, November 15, 2010

alpha and omega

~ the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, tantamount to A to Z in the English alphabet

~ the beginning and the end

~ the first and the last

~ alpha was derived from the meaning of the phrase “to invent”—thus the first invented letter

~ omega is used to denote the ultimate limit of something

In the book of Revelation, the Lord calls himself the alpha and omega. I recently was listening to a song that uses this description in the lyrics and since then I cannot get the incredible vastness of the phrase out of my head!

The beginning and the end… of everything…

That means he is the beginning of the world and the end of it; on his time and in line with his purposes, he started everything and he will finish everything.

He is the beginning of my life and the end of it. He determined the day I was born and already knows the day I will go home to be with him.

He is the beginning and the end of my loved ones lives. He set out a day for them to come into this world and planned the exact time they will leave it. And he has designed the course of our lives to begin and sometimes end friendships with one another, leaving each other a bit more encouraged along the way.

He is the beginning and end of the seasons. He makes the sun to rise, the rain to fall, the winters to come and flowers to bloom again. He knows that everything in this world needs a rest, so he thought up the perfect plan to allow it, and everything in nature lives and breathes and moves and grows because he begins and ends the seasons.

He is the beginning and the end of the details. He knows when I wake and when I lay down. He knows when I start and finish something. He knows when my life will be hard and when it will be more joyful, and when each of those seasons will come to an end.

How distorted my view of God becomes when I think of him as anything less than the beginning and the end… anything less than everything. But that is our God: everything. No detail escapes his notice, no prayer goes unheard, no thought unseen, no action missed. There is a tremendous peace that comes with believing He is the beginning and the end, that the world revolves around Him and not me; that I live in His story line, on His time, not mine.

Let the alpha and omega change the way you see you life.


  1. And what a fabulous story line to live in huh? Wow, Katie. So good. This was a great reminder to me because it shows His vastness! He's never-ending- even when the WORLD ends- He's still going!

  2. Now you have that song in my head =) Great post Mahoney! A reminder we all need.
