{the friendship we share}
Kristin Stockfisch
It is a good thing I get to write about Kristin and not rely on her to tell the world about herself, because I can promise you everything would understated. Kristin is, in two words, pretty awesome. Beautiful on the outside, yes, but absolutely radiant on the inside. Kristin is humble, funny, encouraging and wise—traits that make for a great best friend! More than anyone I know, Kristin pursues the Lord. She is journaler, a reader, a writer and take-what-I-am-learning-into-the-world-and-live-it girl. You won’t find anything about Kristin that is not genuine, because she is not interested in being anything other than or more than the woman God wants her to be.
Where I am impulsive, Kristin is patient. When I talk too much, Kristin listens so well. She would tell you this not true, but Kristin is the most steady woman I know. She is so many things I aspire to be "when I grow up."
Kristin lives with her husband, Austin, in Wheaton, IL where she is on staff with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
Katie is refreshingly real. She’s impossibly authentic. She looks when she listens. She exudes excitement. She’s thoughtful without having to think. She embodies grace. She has the humility to learn from every human being, but is immovable in her God-sent convictions. A person in her presence leaves a little warmer, equipped with a softer heart. She has a laugh that roars into her most joy-filled places. She pours out with the love of Christ and takes in the good of this world, sidestepping the cynics. She speaks life-changing encouragement with one single sentence. She’s been through hell with her knee, handing out heaven along the way. She’s my best friend and the tie of all my loose ends. Probably why she’s named kaTIE. But above all, she personifies the non-perfect, non-male, non-messiah version of Jesus in my life and countless others.
Katie Blackburn

Katie lives in Spokane, Washington with her new husband, Alex. She is on staff at Gonzaga University as the Program Coordinator in the Comprehensive Leadership Program. She loves Starbucks, books, writing, ESPN, and laughing... a lot.