Pre-Baby Bucket List.
Love this idea. I think it is a
super fun and creative way to see that you and your hubby are doing all the
things you want to do before baby comes.
Things like:
Go to Asia
Spend a long weekend in a cozy cabin
Complete a triathlon together
Take a few Ph.D. courses
Finish Nursing School
Build up our savings accounts
Spend a long weekend in a cozy cabin
Complete a triathlon together
Take a few Ph.D. courses
Finish Nursing School
Build up our savings accounts
This was our list-in-the-making. We had never officially written anything
down, but we had started putting money away for our trip to the Philippines, we
looked at triathlons in Seattle and California, we even scoped out cute cabins
on the Puget Sound. We have been
contributing to our 401Ks and Mutual Funds and the savings account was slowly—pretty
dang slowly, if I'm honest— making its way along.
And then the test had two pink lines. All five of them did, actually. (Yes, I took five tests over the course of 3
hours. In that state of shock, that was
the least crazy thing I said/did in those 24 hours in April).

We have our 20 week ultrasound this week, and we’ll get to
see if our baby has all of its organs and arms and legs, if the brain looks
healthy so far, and of course, we’ll find out what his or her name is (for the
record, my money is on boy). I am
anxious before every doctor appointment.
Every single one. But this one,
this is the half-way point. I am beyond
excited to see our baby, but I am in total
disbelief that half of my pregnancy is behind me. I still feel like I just realized I am really
So our Pre-Baby Bucket List has changed. The Asia trip fund is now allocated for
medical bills, the triathlon goal has been exchanged for “get up the stairs
without getting winded,” and the long weekend in a cozy cabin actually means
road trips to Seattle to savor time with family and finding fun recipes on
pinterest to make at home. Now, the
things we want to check off of our list before the baby arrives looks like:
Spend as much time together as possible
Say “yes” to time with friends, as often as we can
Ask good questions of good mentors
Pray some more
Ride the bike to save money on gas
Finish the “Friday Night Lights” series. Again.
Sleep in while we can
Pray a whole lot more
Spend as much time together as possible
Say “yes” to time with friends, as often as we can
Ask good questions of good mentors
Pray some more
Ride the bike to save money on gas
Finish the “Friday Night Lights” series. Again.
Sleep in while we can
Pray a whole lot more
It is an incredible blessing to have to change your plans
for what is so clearly God’s plan. I
really do feel that way.
There are a thousand things that scare me about raising a
baby (finances, work, health insurance, health in general, oh, and just keeping
another human being alive are among them).
But they are all trumped by the fact that God is giving this tiny- but
actually huge- miracle to us, so in some crazy way, He must think we are ready. I love our unpredictable life, because we
have an unchanging God. And the miracle
of all miracles is that this God loves us with a crazy love, far greater that
how I feel about Alex and already think about baby Blackburn. It’s a love bigger than words, bigger than
P.S. I’ll be back late this week to tell you who baby
Blackburn is. In the meantime, if you
are a mom, longing to be a mom someday, or just loving the moms, dads and
kiddos around you, can I say from the bottom of my heart thank you. If I understood
God’s timing, how he gives and holds back, like He means us to understand it I
would certainly share that, but I don’t.
But I understand at least one thing: I think we are all in this
together, and I have learned and gleaned lessons about being not only a mom,
but a teacher and a mentor, from my own mom, from my best friend who is raising
little babies, from my best friend who prays in big ways for my little growing
family, from the woman who has 3 of her own kids and 4 from other moms, from my
old mentor who is still waiting for her baby, from co-workers, from friends who are
adopting, from friends who have lost a baby, from the moms of my close friends, and from those of you honest
enough to share your lives in writing.
God has graciously weaved our stories together in both big and small
ways, and if I am at all at “good” mom it is only by God’s grace... and because I
have known some really incredible women along the way.
I just re-read this and it made me so excited for baby to get here. Amazing words to have to remember thus season, Kate.