Like any outpouring of creativity, writing has its ways of creeping into each fiber of my thinking. It’s hilarious when ‘my Monday’ comes around how everything in front of me turns into a writing prompt. A woman’s shoes in the airport spark questions of why on earth we put ourselves through such pain just to walk somewhere. Suddenly, parallels engulf my mind in ways that are as much profound as they are over-thought and well, a little nerdy. Nevertheless, when I finally sit down at my computer (this time my PC courtesy of Arizona FCA) and begin to pick and squeeze at each thought I’ve thought in the past two weeks, there’s always an inevitable, unavoidable topic that circles my mind like seagulls right before they go in for food. Whether I decide to write on the topic or auto-archive it in the back of my mind usually predicts the ease, flow and honesty of the words that follow.
All of that to say, I’ve been wanting to write on a certain thought for the short end of two months. And it can be wrapped up with a silky bow in one word… receive.
I’ve gotten to be a part of a sports camp in Flagstaff for the past seven years (minus the one year I was in St. Lucia on a mission’s trip. Judge all you want, we ‘suffered’ for the Lord on those sandy beaches.) Each summer, athletes and coaches at the top of their game give up a weekend, along with some fireworks, to retreat the heat and breathe in some pine air. I’ve had some form of leadership role at each camp I’ve attended, so if I wasn’t scurrying around as a huddle leader, chasing my boy-crazy, teenage girl campers, I was making sure the new huddle leaders were caffeinated and encouraged enough to keep up with their own boy-crazy teenage campers. Quite often, those same campers have a first-time interaction with the perfect, loving God of the universe. Soon, they're gladly trading in their boy-crazy for grace-crazy. It’s that intangible, yet recognizable transformation that happens within the soul of a young person that keeps me coming back for more. That, and the wicked cafeteria food.
This past year as I stood in the back of the large room where we have our evening program, I witnessed several strong, grown, athletic boys walking up to receive Christ for the first time. I was captivated by the reckless power and encapsulated freedom receiving allows. That’s when it hit me. The love I’m able to give out, the love God is able to spill out through me, depends utterly and exclusively on the love I’m willing to receive. God was moving in hearts, adopting sons and daughters, and shifting all of eternity before my very eyes, and this time, I decided to stop watching and start participating. He had invited me to do so countless times before, but I had politely declined because I needed to be responsible, or I was somehow ‘good’ on the amount of grace and love I had already gotten that day. Um… what? How hardened my heart has become towards grace because I received my ‘get out of jail free card’ 15 years ago, and how tragic to think that the author of salvation wrote this story only to be read or received once.
Today, I am certain that in order to fully experience and know God I don’t just want to, but NEED to receive his son in an irresponsible, off-the-to-do-list, brought-to-tears kind of way. Every day. Every way. Every single avenue or outlet possible. I will always have a first time I received Christ, but how radically different would my life look if the last time I received his gift was two days ago? Two hours ago? Two minutes ago? Imagine the available love, the freeing grace, the restored hope and the unshaken faith I would not only live in, but gleefully hand out along the way.
So next time you see, hear, or taste something so good it makes you close your eyes to make it last a little longer, view that moment as an open invitation to receive God’s outpouring love. Every good and pleasant thing is from him, and further, an invite to experience the miracle of grace all over again. What invaluable instruments we could be if we had the courage to truly rest in it. Relish in it. Re-open it. Receive it. And repeat it.