Tuesday, October 18, 2011

it can wait

Katie came to visit this weekend. Extended amounts of laughter, self-discoveries and dark chocolate were to be expected. We sat down at the corner window table of the Wheaton Starbucks at 10 am and at about 12:15 pm we got up nearly having to catch our breath from the non-stop questioning, encouraging, dreaming. We walked around the farmers market, talking. Bought some daisies and an independent jazzy artist’s CD, talking. Shopped for snacks at Trader Joes, talking. Plopped on opposite ends of our sectional couch, talking. Got on the train in our sweaters, talking. And searched endlessly for a place to meet Austin for dinner, quietly. (Let’s face it, at this point we had walked the city and found ourselves too hungry to think of new topics.) I have been wanting to get my oil changed in my car for a couple weeks, but this weekend, it could wait. I had been meaning to call back this new FCA contact, but that could wait too. I was long-overdue to pay attention to my eye-brows, but all of that could wait because of the special time I was spending with my Spokane- residing best friend.
Yesterday was the 2nd anniversary of the day Austin and I got to declare to the world, (or to about 65 of our dedicated and directionally competent friends and family) that our love was one we were willing to deepen and be committed to forever. We got married two years ago and even though our marriage is like a preemie compared to my parents’ 33 years, it is a preemie so cute and full of potential that we decided to celebrate it. We looked through the pictures of the familiar fall colors, remembering how chilly I was during the last prayer of the ceremony, how the rain fell the minute everyone sat safely inside the tent, and how we danced fearlessly and ridiculously because, well, we could.
Last night, I got to sit across from my husband and explain what he did well this past year. I got to tell him how much he challenges me, how proud I am to be his wife and how richly blessed I feel to get to talk through and walk through our days together. All the plans, scheduling, chores, relationships, and blog writing in the world could wait because of this man and what he means to me.

Who in your life is so unmistakably important that you gladly put the world on hold while you two sit and chat? Who is worth the line, ‘that can wait, I’m with ______ right now’?

This morning, God was that important. I sat and wrestled distraction. I prayed and battled doubt. I read and fought off mental to-do lists.

I sat, rested, and embraced the Holy presence of God because of one active thought pattern on repeat… it can wait.

I’m kinda tired… it can wait.

My closet is really messy… it can wait.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the… it can wait

I need to write a list of things to do today… it can wait.

I’ve got to start reading… it can wait.

I should really wash this dish before the cereal crusts over… it can wait.

I want to email… it can wait.

I need to text that person and tell them I’m praying for them… it can wait.

Strength will rise as you wait upon the Lord.

I need to write the blog post about this... even that can wait.

To be honest, I'm not always that good at saying, it can wait.  In fact there are an embarrassing amount of mornings my priorities look like this: ‘God can wait, I’m with my blanket and pillow right now,’ or 'God can wait, I'm with Matt Lauer right now.'  And you know what? Those days are tragic. I know I'm not filled up to extraordinarily love how God would have me love, I'm not equipped to detect lies from a mile away, and I'm not reflecting the light my savior has called me to shine into dark places. And unlike my facebook, those things can't wait. So help me get there. Check in on me to make sure I'm putting all else on hold. For HE is worth it and will be tomorrow too.


  1. This is exactly what I needed to hear, so thank-you for writing it! I know exactly what you are talking about when you describe being with someone where everything else can wait, and that experience, I need that with God...Those days that I put Him off, they are "tragic" like you said. Thanks, again. Emily

  2. Wow Kris, this is absolutely exactly what my heart needs to rest in today... That so many things I make a priority can wait! Thanks for putting this in words, it is beautiful and timely!
