Monday, May 2, 2011

amazing friendships

Laughter. That ab-workout, can’t catch your breath, happy tears in your eyes kind of laughter that takes our souls to a place it does not get to go every day.

Surprise. Totally unexpected, incredibly thoughtful, couldn’t-have-planned-it-better-myself surprises that remind us that we are so deeply cared for.

Talk. Genuine questions, honest answers, hard topics and funny ones, catching up, sharing stories, loving one another by listening to what is real about our lives.

I have amazing friends. They are the kind of friends that will plan a surprise-filled weekend for me to celebrate my move from a Ms. to a Mrs. The kind of friends that put thought, care, fun and love into each part of our time together. The kind of friends who would get dad to babysit the kids for a weekend and buy a plane ticket from out of state just to make an amazingly special memory for me. They are the kind of friends who make me tear up with gratitude.

In Seattle this past weekend, I laughed a lot. I was surprised again and again with fun things. And I talked a lot about life, engagement, men, and everything else girls talk about when they are together. It was a picture perfect weekend and will be a time I cherish forever. But I think the reason I am so overwhelmed with gratitude is that above everything else, I felt so deeply known this weekend.

Emily, Aubree and Kristin planned 48 hours of “Katie time.” They know my taste in snacks and packed accordingly. They know my insecurities and could pick out all the right clothes for me. They know I am a tad-bit shy at times but created space for me to have a ton of fun. They know me and Alex and our story, and they asked all the right questions. They know how humbled I am when people pray for me, and they did.

Isn’t that what everyone wants, to be deeply and truly known? To be listened to, teased just enough, encouraged, cared for… just known. In all my strengths, weakness, success and shortcomings, I felt accepted in all of them this weekend.

My dear, dear friends, thank you for knowing, and loving, me so well. You make me want to be a better friend to others, and you give me a glimpse of how fully known we are by our Creator. Thank you for the laughter, the surprises, the talk. I needed all of those things, I needed you. Life is meant to be done together. Forever my sisters.

1 comment:

  1. katie, i first read this when I landed in atlanta on my phone and i couldn't comment but wow. I love friendships and the fact that we wanted to surprise you with something like this shows just how loved WE FEEL by you. Thanks for being you and for taking the time to get to know each of us so well. You're amazing and brilliant and kinda a big deal. Love you

