Monday, April 11, 2011

soul cravings

I spent the past weekend in Laguna Beach, California. Salty ocean smells and sweet, sea breezes lifted my spirit and hugged every inch of my frame. The beach magically lengthens thoughts, muscles and time in a way that shouts of the realities of heaven.  My body and my mind left refreshed and rejuvenated. But something deeper went on. Something so important and often tragically forgotten. My soul was replenished.
I took time to notice the divine beauty that lives, breathes and thrives all around us. I crunched my feet into the sand and wiggled my toes until they were buried. I looked deeply into the eyes of my sisters and thought intentionally about how valuable friendships are.  I had conversations with complete strangers. I gave things away and acquired new treasures and didn’t care if I doubled up on bowls of cereal.  I slept in and walked slowly and laughed… a lot.
What’s the condition of your soul lately?
(Not how are you doing? What’s new with you? Or even how are you feeling?)
How’s your soul?
The deepest parts of me are set free when I allow my soul to be moved and to give in to its cravings. I have soul cravings that liberate me to be more ‘kristin’ than I have ever experienced before. I know some of them and I’m still discovering others.  But here’s a few of mine. Hopefully my list can trigger a soul craving in you.
-Sitting outside by myself so I can talk with God without feeling the urge or necessity to carry on any other conversation.
-Stretching every single muscle until I feel like a walking noodle.
-Riding a beach cruiser bike with a basket in the front when it’s sunny and breezy.
-Taking part in a sunset along any body of water. Anywhere. Any day. Ever.
-Discovering something in depth about someone I love and loving them more for it.
So even though I am not carrying a tiny Stockfisch bun in my oven, I have cravings. These soul cravings can speak more life into me than any composition of words ever could. Our souls were created to be our life source. When we pay attention to them and give in to what our souls crave, we become more than a life… we learn what it means to be alive. What does your soul crave? If you’re anything like me, you will find that even through the stretching, the bike rides and the sunsets the one common thread through the tapestry of my soul is that it craves my creator. It craves my God, my savior, my author and perfector.  And it is only when I find Him in the midst of life’s goodness that I truly begin to live.

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