Wow. Another year, just like that, has come and gone. Am I the only one who always feels like time truly does fly by? Thinking about life in terms of time, measured in minutes, days, weeks, months, and years, I am reminded that our lives really are just a glimpse, a small breath in the beginning and the end of God's time.
And yet, everything we choose to do with our lives, with our time, matters in a really big way.
I am big fan of New Year's Day, because I have always loved the concept of starting over. Who doesn't like a clean slate, a new chance, a re-do; in fact, who doesn't honestly need one of those in their lives? I have lots of new things I want to do in the new year. My friend Emily and I are determined to start doing yoga and stop eating too much sugar; my friend Kristin and I are going to keep pursuing our book writing dream; I want to stay in better touch with more people; I'd like to start a really great Bible study for women who are looking for encouragement and challenge from one another; I'd like to be a much better steward of my finances; my Spanish needs some big-time refining; and I want to finally finish reading Les Miserables. There are a lot of new things I want to do in the new year, and I get excited about looking forward to all of them.
But recently, I've been thinking about "looking forward" in a new way. What if we planned for the future by looking at the past? What if all of our new goals were laid with the foundation of God's already answered prayer- things we may not have even realized he was orchestrating at the time? Allow me to share my personal list of answered prayer:
Prayers for protection (Pslam 91 and 121): Whether it was through a strong conviction, a friend standing up for me and reminding me of something I could not see, a phone call changing the schedule, or a word of wisdom from a loving mentor, God has kept me from physical and emotional harm in so many ways- more than I can list and probably more than I even realize. If I had made all the decisions I wanted to make on my own, I would not be right where I am today. God has intervened for me, and I believe He will continue to- because He promises to protect us.
Prayers for healing: So many people prayed for healing for my knee, and although it took ten surgeries, a year off of school, donor implants, screws, re-alignments, and lots of time on my back- today I walk with no pain and can crawl on the ground with an adorable little girl named Lucy and get excited about the prospect of playing with my own kids someday! None of that healing unfolded as quickly as I thought I wanted, and it was a lot more physical pain than I would have asked to endure- but as I look back I don't remember anything other than how good God was to do it all!
Prayers for the right man: Writing how God answered prayers with Alex is another blog entry entirely- but he was the most amazingly unexpected gift I have ever received. I was 24 years old and thinking "I'm ready to meet him any day now, God..." but I realize now that God was preparing Alex and I both as individuals for each other, and we could not have met a day earlier than we did for us to work.
Prayers for finances: No matter how hard things have gotten, God has always provided in the area of finances. A $50.00 refund from grad school I had no idea was coming; the opportunity to house-sit when I had no job; a little more than expected on the tax return; amazingly perfect job opportunities that will help pay for things I had no clue how I was going to pay for... I have found the more I trust God with a little leap of faith, the more He shows up.
Prayers for friends: There are people in my life who I have been praying that God gets a hold of their life for so long, and it seems like I see hope for that all the time! I have friends who are asking questions; who are running in to dead ends and saying "This can't be all there is to life"; people who are finding a reason to believe in the God of the universe that they never had before. And I am reminded as these things happen that God wants his children to return to Him even more than I do, which gives me a new and greater motivation to pray relentlessly for them.
I have prayed for a million things in a million ways and God has always taken care of the details- because He promises to answer our prayers, in the way He knows is best to answer them. Not always in our timing, and not always in the most obvious ways, but ALWAYS.
So as I plan for a new year and look forward at all that is exciting, all that is unknown, and all that scares me, I want to remember all the answered prayers. I want to look back at each and every time God has showed up to remind me that He will always show up. I want the history of His presence in my life to be the security that He will never leave. I want my new year to be grounded in all of my other years walking with the Lord. I want all of the changes I hope to make be centered around the only One who never changes.
As you think about life and all that you face in the coming year, write down every way God has already taken care of you, then share it with someone.
And at the end of this next year, I hope you are able to look back at another year that God showed up. I hope you see that everything you do and how you spend your time really matters, that every goal you set can be one that honors the Lord and gives Him another chance to be big and mighty in your life. Because He is.